Organization with Megan | 13 Quick & Helpful Organization Tips to Remember


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Whenever I need some organization inspiration I look no further than my close friend Megan. I am admittedly not the most organized person. I wish I was better but I have to admit to myself that it doesn’t come as naturally for me as it does for others, but I mean, who doesn’t love a clean and tidy house? It is easier to focus and relax in a tidy space in my opinion and there are studies to prove that! Psychology Today suggests that clutter impacts many areas of our well-being including causing frustration, stress, and making it difficult to fully relax. Other studies outline that living in clutter breeds greater procrastination tendencies.

Organization and decluttering seems to be a really hot “trend” right now, especially with Netflix shows such as The Home Edit and Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. However, the art of how-to organize may change or evolve, the fundamental desire is the same - how do we, in our busy lives, keep things neat and tidy, let go of clutter, and just live happier lives. Well, the unfortunate thing is that in our consumer-centric society, clutter always seems to be a thing and this very ideal can prove extremely challenging.

For me, I have the desire to be more organized but I don’t always have the gumption to get there. I have found if I don’t do things right away, I avoid, avoid, avoid and then things pile up. I have also found that just not bringing stuff into my home is the best way for me to avoid clutter, although it always seems to come from somewhere. The good news: there are people who love organizing and they have amazing tips on how to help you manage your clutter. So while not everyone may be a naturally organization-inclined, there are some easy ways to help keep things in check and allow organizing to be easier each day. One of the recurring themes that I have seen in many of the tidying up, organising, and decluttering methods is sorting things in containers or bins in drawers seems to be common advice.

So, here are some quick tips from a tidying up expert (she won’t call herself that), but these are really quick tips that are great to commit to habit - especially as a busy mom.


Quick habits to practice every day for a tidy home:

1. Toy rotation

All small toys and puzzles are in zipper pouches from dollarama in a toy chest. This could be said for other things as well, not just toys but it is very effective at managing toy clutter.

Rotate them out in small baskets every two weeks. Each basket that is on the shelf has the same type of toys (cars, paw patrol etc). Grouping things in small zippered bags, or by colour is also helpful for putting things away.


2. Never leave a room empty handed

Going up and down stairs or even just from kitchen to living room, always bring one thing with you to put away.

3. One step rule: if you can do it in one step, do it!

Don’t bring it somewhere and drop and say you will do later (ie: empty school lunches when you put the containers on the counter, hang the laundry to dry after moving it from the washer instead of leaving in a pile etc).

4. Clear counters - everything always looks neater with clean, flat surfaces

Leave as few things on the kitchen and bathrooms as needed. We used to move our coffee grinder every night but that was a bit extreme since we use it daily, but we don’t leave things out like a toaster, etc.

Helpful Resources

Here are some great resources to help keep the clutter at bay and have you living the relaxed life!


5. 20-minute company rule

If someone was 20 minutes away that’s my marker for how my house should always look.

So, cleaning toys before moving to next basket or cleaning the table off after food right away etc. If someone calls and is 20 mins away can you get your house in enough presentable order to be ready

6. Baskets or bins for everything, including cleaning supplies etc. Pantry baskets, etc.

Everything needs a home and if there is no where for it to live, get rid of it.

7. Spaces in between sheets and towels in linen closet. If everything is stacked you won’t use half of what you can’t see

Get rid of the towels/sheets you haven’t touched in six months. Once you take sheets off bed you wash them right away, only really need two sets for each size bed... in case of a night accident nice to have two though.

8. Throw out every paper as soon as you get it to eliminate paper piles on counters, etc

Kids art from daycare goes straight to recycling and if there is anything I think they actually worked on I take a photo of it and it still goes to recycle.

Kids art photo books through ChatBooks can be a great way to save your favourite artwork without taking up too much space.

9. Garbage and recycling out to garage each night, no one likes smells!

10. Dishes done each night before bed as much as possible...

There is nothing worse than waking up to a messy kitchen. We have to use it so much each day, it’s always great to have a fresh start.

11. Same goes for toys, they all go away each night

Takes me 10 minutes max and saves my sanity to have an adult space for several hours.

12. Make the master bed each morning before work

Starting day with a made bed makes everything seem cleaner and makes it nicer for sleeping at bedtime.

13. Do at least one load of laundry every single day, small or big, sheets or whatever is around.

I wash cleaning cloths and dish rags with clothes, blasphemy, I know but one small load is the only way I can keep up!